Monday, July 29, 2013

Easy tartlets to cheat with...

My husband and I had our friend Chris (we call him Crystal Meth because his personality is so sparkly) over for dinner the other night. Because I am so naughty with the upkeep of my blog posts, I cannot for the life of me remember what I cooked for the main course. When I do I'll post it. For now though, no matter. What I do remember is that I made a cheat dessert in the form of ready-made tartlets and lemon curd. They're really quick to prepare and they look cute too. Happy eating!

What you need (makes about 6 tartlets)...
  • 6 ready-made tartlets (you can pick them up at most supermarkets)
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 cup of lemon curd (again, you can find bottles of lemon curd at most supermarkets)
  • 2 handfuls of mulberries
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1½ tsp of white sugar
What to do...
  1. Heat the oven to 180°
  2. Warm the butter in a saucepan until melted
  3. Paint the inside and outside of the tartlets with the butter and pop them into the pre-heated oven for about ten minutes or until golden
  4. Pour the lemon curd, cream and sugar into a bowl and mix well until the sugar has dissolved
  5. Take the tartlets out of the oven and let them cool
  6. Pour the lemon curd into the cooled tartlets leaving about half a centimetre from the rim of each
  7. Place three mulberries on the top of the lemon curd mixture
  8. Store the filled tartlets in the fridge to keep the berries fresh but remove them about 20 minutes before serving to get them to room temperature

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